School of Public Health

Research Areas

  • Vulnerable populations
  • Global health
  • Indigenous Peoples' health
  • Maternal / child health
  • Youth/Street youth wellness


  • Qualitative
  • Indigenous methods


Petrucka, P. (2017). The Canadian Health Care System. In B. Astle, & W. Duggleby. (Eds.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (pp. 17-33). Toronto: Elsevier Canada.

Petrucka, P., Redman, R., Redman, A., Bassendowski, S., Bickford, D., Bird, L., & McBeth, B. (2014). Standing Buffalo First Nations Youth Photovoice: Exploring health and well-being from their lens! In B. Jeffery, D. Martz, & I. M. Findlay. (Eds.), Journeys in Community Based Research (pp. 137-148). Regina Saskatchewan: University of Regina Press.

Petrucka, P. (2013). The Canadian Health Care System. In B. Astle, & W. Duggleby. (Eds.), Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. Elsevier: Toronto: Elsevier Canada.

Petrucka, P., Bickford, D., Bassendowski, S., Goodwill, W., Wajunta, C., Yuzicappi, B., ... Rauliuk, M. (2016, June). Positive Leadership, Legacy, Lifestyles, Attitudes and Activities for Aboriginal Youth: A Wise Practices Approach for Positive Youth Futures. International Journal of Indigenous Health11(1), 159-177.

Wainikiri, M., & Petrucka, P. (2016, June). Challenges of mass media interventions regarding mental health: A community exemplar in Kampala Uganda. Journal of Community Medicine and Health Educationb6(3), 424-428.

Ngimbudzi, E. B., Lukumay, A. M., Murithi, A. W., Dhamani, K. D., & Petrucka, P. M. (2016, April). Mothers’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices on causes and prevention of anaemia in children aged 6-59 months: A case study at Mkuranga District Hospital, Tanzania. Open Journal of Nursing6.

Ganchaja, E., Buza, J., & Petrucka, P. (2016, March). Prevalence of Group A Rotavirus in Piglets in a Peri-Urban Setting of Arusha. Journal of Biosciences and Medicine4, 37-44. doi: 10.4236/jbm.2016.41005.

Vastani, M. A., Karmalani, R., & Petrucka, P. M. (2016, February). Integration of Health Promotion into Nursing Practice: A Case Study in Pakistan. Open Journal of Nursing6, 37-45. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2016.61004.

Kashega, E. S., Vastani, M. A., Bayongo, S., & Petrucka, P. (2016, February). Experiences of Parents of Children with Burn Injuries in a Tanzanian Referral Hospital: A Qualitative Consideration.. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research13(12), 1-15.

Nakate, G., Dahl, D., Drake, K. B., & Petrucka, P. (2015, December). The Nursing Documentation Dilemma in Uganda: Neglected but Necessary. A Case Study at Mulago National Referral Hospital. Open Journal of Nursing, 12(5), 1063­1071. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2015.512113.

Mandha, J., Buza, J., Kassim, N., & Petrucka, P. (2015, December). Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes among Maasai Pastoral Communities in Simanjiro Tanzania. Open Access Library Journal., 2, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1102079 .

Ganchaja, E., Buza, J., & Petrucka, P. (2015, December). Molecular Detection of Group A Rotavirus in Children under Five in Urban and Peri-urban Arusha, Tanzania. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research12(12), 1-9. doi: 10.9734/BJMMR/2016/22886 .

Petrucka, P., Bassendowski, S., Dietrich-Leurer, M., Spence-Gress, C., Althuman, Z., & Buza, J. (2015, December). Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Needs, Opportunities and Preferred Futures in Arusha and Ngorongoro: Hearing Women's Voices. BMC Research Notes8, 773­776. MS: 1959132155167933; DOI: 10.1186/s13104-015-1776-6.

Mandha, J., Buza, J., Kassim, N., & Petrucka, P. (2015, October). Prevalence of Hypertension and Associated Risk Factors among Maasai Communities in Simanjiro, Tanzania.. Archives of Current Research International.2(2), 96-108. doi: 10.9734/ACRI/2015/22353.

Bassendowski, S., & Petrucka, P. (2015, August). Disruptive by Design. Ubiquitous Learning, 8(4), 15-22. ISSN 1835-9795 .

Masaki, S., Ngoye, A., Petrucka, P., & Buza, J. (2015, July). Type 2 Diabetes prevalence and risk factors of urban Maasai in Arusha Municipality and rural Maasai in Ngorongoro Crater.. Journal of Applied Life Sciences International3(4), 1094-1103. doi: 10.9734/JALSI/2015/20174.

Sindhu, R., Ramachandran, P. V., Jothi, C. M., Susila, P., & Petrucka, P. M. (2015). Reducing early neonatal heat loss in a low resourced context: An Indian exemplar.. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8(2), 140-151.

Martin, H., Petrucka, P. M., & Buza, J. (2015). Maasai community perception of oral thrush. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports6(1). ISSN: 2320-0227.

Nakate, M. G., Dahl, D., Drake, K. B., & Petrucka, P. M. (2015). Knowledge and attitudes of select Ugandan nurses towards documentation of patient care. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery2(1), 57-65. Nakate, M.G.*, Dahl, D. Drake, K.B., & Petrucka, P. .

Ngoye, A., Petrucka, P. M., & Buza, J. (2014, October). Differences in hypertension risk factors between rural Maasai in Ngorongoro and urban Maasai in Arusha Municipal: A descriptive study. Journal of Applied Life Sciences1(1), 17-31. DOI : 10.9734/JALSI/2014/11947.

Martin, H., Petrucka, P. M., & Buza, J. (2014). Prevalence and predictors of oral thrush among Maasai in Ngorongoro Conservation Area: A preliminary consideration.. Archives of Medicine, 6(2).

Martin, H., Petrucka, P. M., & Buza, J. (2014). Low macronutrients intake and associated factors among Maasai women of reproductive age in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. American Journal of Research Communication2(12). ISSN: 2325-4076.

Martin, H., Petrucka, P. M., & Buza, J. (2014). Determination of Vitamins A, C, and D status Using serum markers and 24 hour dietary recall among Maasai women of reproductive age. Open Access Library Journal1, e893.

Williams, C., Petrucka, P., Bassendowski, S., & Betker, C. (2014, June). Participatory Diagramming for Engaging Youth in a Gender Equity and Community Development Dialogue: An African Exemplar. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 9(2), 191-211. 1712-8277.

Petrucka, P., Brooks, S., Smadu, G., McBeth, B., Bassendowski, S., Mackey, A., & Fudger, S. (2014, April). At Street LEVEL: Learnings, Voices, Experiences, and Lifestyles of Street Involved Youth. Nurisng and health, 2(3), 9 pages.

Bassendowski, S., Mackey, A., & Petrucka, P. (2014, March). Pedagogical Disruption then Construction. Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communication, 227=33.

Petrucka, P., Bassendowski, S., Roberts, H., & Hernandez, C. (2013). Enhancing nurses access for care, quality, and knowledge through technology: An international m-Health exemplar. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 45(1), 74-91.


Grants, Awarded (Peer-Reviewed)

Vatanparast H (Principal Investigator), Petrucka P (Co­principal Investigator), Epp T (Co-investigator), Woods P (Co-investigator), Hammond Ketilson L (Co-investigator), Farag M (Co-investigator), Kulshreshtha S (Co-investigator), Samarghandi H (Co-investigator). Global Leaders Scholarship – Seeking Sustainable Solutions in Food Security and Nutrition for Women and Children: A Tri-Country Approach, The proposed local-global iniative reflects both evolving and established partnering, which presents a context for innovation and sustainability. We are bringing together, in a truly multi­lateral manner, Canadian, Guatemalean, and Tanzanian scholars to address a ‘sticky’ and borderless challenge respecting food security, specificially for women and children. We believe that the three sites bring distinct lenses and unique challenges, which, when shared, blended, and strategically addressed, will result in a more holistic and globalized solution. Importantly, this effort will strive to understand, plan, and build relationships across sites (north-south; south-south). Community Foundations of Canada. Total: $449,200.00 for 2017-04-01 to 2020-12-31

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Makongoro E (Co­principal Investigator), Meyer D (Co-investigator), Molutu D (Collaborator). Agri-Health Cooperative for Traditional Birth Attendants in Olbalbal, TZ, This project will work with the local traditional birth attendance on an entrepreneurial model to provide healthier foods for pregnant women while sustaining an agriculture project. Grand Challenges Canada. Total: $100,000.00 for 2017-04-01 to 2019-03-31

Jansen S (Principal Investigator), Bassendowski S (Co-investigator), Bigalky J (Co-investigator), Campbell T (Co-investigator), Dietrich Leurer M (Co-investigator), Gabriel T (Co-investigator), Juckes K (Co-investigator), Lasiuk G (Co-investigator), Malloy P (Co-investigator), Penz K (Co-investigator), Petrucka P (Co-investigator), Rodgers C (Co-investigator), Thorp L (Co-investigator), Vandenberg H (Co-investigator). BSN Nursing Students Perceptions of Distributed Synchronous Learning at the Yorkton and Regina, SK Campuses, This project is exploring the perceptions of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) nursing students in Years 2-4 about the benefits and challenges of distributed synchronous learning at the Yorkton and Regina, SK campuses Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Saskatchewan. Total: $10,000.00 for 2017-03 to 2019-03

Swai H (Principal Investigator), Petrucka P (Co-investigator), Treydte A (Co-investigator), Chacha M (Co-investigator), Shirma G (Co-investigator). African Centre of Excellence II - Centre for Research, Agriculture, Teaching Excellence and Sustainability (CREATES), This project will enable the training of MSc and PhD students from across East Africa over the next 6 years with a focus on the first thousand days of life and food security. World Bank. Total: $5,975,660.00 for 2016-11-15 to 2022

Martin W (Principal Investigator), Engler-Stringer R (Co-investigator), Petrucka P (Co-investigator), Micheels E (Co-investigator), Wood G (Co-investigator), Davidson D (Co-investigator), Enns G (Collaborator). Concept Mapping to Improve Health through Urban Agriculture, Collaborative Innovation Development Grant to create an urban agriculture action plan for Saskatoon Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation. Total: $39,000.00 for 2016-05 to 2017-04

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Makongoro E (Collaborator). Health Literacy Grant, Supply of technical resources for health literacy British Medical Association. Total: $3,065.00 for 2015-11 to 2016-03

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator). Breaking Barriers, Building Connections: Canadian Aboriginal Youth in Global health Partnership Agreement, To facilitate Aboriginal youth to participate in an international placement opportunity DFATD. Total: $45,492.00 for 2015-11 to 2017-03

Dietrich Leurer M (Principal Investigator), Campbell T (Co-investigator), Cote-Soop H (Co-investigator), Desautels C (Co-investigator), Petrucka P (Co-investigator), Boone M (Collaborator). College of Nursing - Street Culture Kidz Youth Engagement Project, College of Nursing students will provide interactive educational/recreational sessions for marginalized youth at Street Culture Project in Regina. University of Saskatchewan Support for Community-Engaged Experiential Learning Program. Total: $3,000.00 for 2014-09 to 2015-12

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Spence Gress C (Co-principal Investigator). Mama Kwanza Cooperative, To further a graduate student's research and knowledge exchange efforts University of Saskatchewan - interdisciplinary Devolved PhD Award. Total: $6,000.00 for 2014-01 to 2014-06

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Woods P (Co-investigator), Epp T (Co-investigator), Jenkins E (Co-investigator), Buza J (Collaborator). Join the C2OHRIS: Citizen Centres for One Health Research, Innovation and Surveillance (C2OHRIS), One Health Development Grant, University of Saskatchewan. Total: $20,000.00 for 2014 to 2015

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Bickford D (Co­principal Investigator). Where do I get porcupine quills? An exploration of wintercounts as a First Nations way of knowing, Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre. Total: $5,000.00 for 2013-06 to 2014-05

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Bickford D (Co­principal Investigator). Where do I get porcupine quills? An exploration of wintercounts as a First Nations way of knowing., CIHR - Graduate Student Fellowship. Total: $108,000.00 for 2013-05 to 2016-04

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator). At Street Level, Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre. Total: $4,048.00 for 2013-05 to 2013-08

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Bickford D (Co­principal Investigator). Where do I get porcupine quills? An exploration of wintercounts as a First Nations way of knowing., Saskatchewan Innovation Grant - Graduate Student Fellowship. Total: $10,000.00 for 2013-03 to 2014-02

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Arries E (Co-investigator), Bassendowski S (Co-investigator), Dietrich Leurer M (Co-investigator), Smadu M (Co-investigator), Jeffrey B (Co-investigator), Martz D (Co-investigator), White G (Co-investigator), Elabor-Idemudia P (Co-investigator), de Boer D (Co-investigator), Danilkewich A (Co-investigator). Mama Kwanza (Mother First) Socio-economic and Health Initiative, Canadian International Development Agency in partnership with Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region, SaskTel, U of S and Coutts Courier). Total: $3,600,000.00 for 2013-01 to 2016-06

Bassendowski S (Principal Investigator), Petrucka P (Co-investigator), Davies S (Co-investigator), Breitkreuz L (Collaborator). iNurse, iTeach, Using mobile applications in client education, MITACS-Accelerate. Total: $15,000.00 for 2012-06 to 2013-01

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Martin HA (Co-investigator). Preventable yet present: Oral thrush prevalence and interventions in relation to nutrition in pregrancy for Maasai women in Ngorongoro Crater, Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship. Total: $20,000.00 for 2012-06 to 2013-05

Petrucka P (Co-principal Investigator), Bickford D (Co­principal Investigator). Petrucka P (Co-principal Investigator), Bickford D (Co-principal Investigator). Grant: Where do I get porcupine quills? An exploration of wintercounts as a First Nations way of knowing,, Graduate Student Fellowship Indigenous Peoples Health Research Centre. Total: $36,750.00 for 2012-06 to 2013-05

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Smadu G (Co­principal Investigator), Smadu M (Co-investigator). Street Level, RBC Nurses for Kids - Operating Grant. Total: $50,000.00 for 2012-05 to 2014-04

Grants, Awarded (Non-Peer-Reviewed)

Dietrich Leurer M (Principal Investigator), Weiss M (Co-investigator), Pacik A (Co-investigator), Desautels C (Co-investigator), Campbell TD (Co-investigator), Petrucka P (Co-investigator). College of Nursing-Street Culture Youth Engagement Project, K + S Potash. Total: $21,000.00 for 2015-05 to 2018-06

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator). Eating for Two: A First Thousand Days Approach, Grant development in response to LOI Success for IDRC Project University of Saskatchewan - RAP Grant. Total: $8,800.00 for 2014­-09 to 2014-12

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), McBeth B (Co-investigator), Scoop-Cote H (Co-investigator). At Street LEVEL, Continuation of the work with Street Culture Kidz a local NGO on the use of music and art to enhance the health and healthier behaviors of Street Involved Youth Undergraduate Student Research Assistantship (USRA). Total: $2,000.00 for 2014-05 to 2014-08

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator), Spence C (Co-investigator). Mama Kwanza Cooperative - Interdisciplinary Devolved PhD Grant, University of Saskatchewan. Total: $18,000.00 for 2012-05 to 2013-04

Grants, Completed

Petrucka P (Co-principal Investigator), Zello G (Co­principal Investigator), Dietrich Leurer M (Co-investigator). Addressing Health, Adaptation, and Development through Innovation in Essential Nutrition in Tanzania, Grant development with Tanzanian colleagues on the AHADI maternal child food security initiative. University of Saskatchewan. RAP Grant. DFATD application. Total: $6,300.00 for 2014-12 to 2015-03

Petrucka P (Principal Investigator). First Peoples First Thousand Days, University of Saskatchewan - RAP. Total: $9,000.00 for 2012-10 to 2013-04

Other Funding

Dietrich Leurer M (Co-principal Investigator), Petrucka P (Co-principal Investigator), Bassendowski S (Co­principal Investigator), Campbell T (Co-principal Investigator), Bigalky J (Co-principal Investigator), McBeth B (Co-principal Investigator). Good Neighbour Faculty and Staff Development, To establish collaborative relationships between the College of Nursing and local organizations in order to explore research, community mobilization and other partnership opportunities. College of Nursing Faculty & Staff Development Fund. Total: $2,000.00 for 2013-07 to 2013-11