Dr. Carl D'Arcy BA, PhD, MA
ProfessorJoint Faculty Member
- Address
- Ellis Hall, Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon SK
Research Areas
- ApoE and Depression as risk factors for AD and dementia.
- Projected effect of physical activity on reducing the prevalence of mental disorders
- Determinants of successful aging among Canadians
- The Structure of Psychological well-being
- Minor depression
Recent Publications
Meng, X, D'Arcy C. Mortality and morbidity hazards associated with cognitive status in seniors: a Canadian population prospective cohort study. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. [Epub ahead of print DOI:10.1111/j.1758-5872.2012.00222.x]
Meng X, Kou C, D'Arcy C, Shi J, Yu Y. No genetic association between SNPs in the coding region of SLC6A4 gene and internalizing disorders in mainland Chinese university students. Psychiatric Genetics. 2012. Accepted/In Press
Meng X, D'Arcy C. Common risks and comorbidity for past 12-month mood and anxiety disorders: a population-based analysis. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.2012; 57(8):479-487.
Kosteniuk J, Morgan D, D'Arcy C. Treatment and follow-up of anxiety and depression in clinical-scenario patients: Survey of Saskatchewan family physicians.Canadian Family Physician. 2012;58(3): e152-e158.
Morgan D, Cammer A, Stewart NJ, Crossley M, D'Arcy C, Forbes DA, Karunanayake C. Nursing Aide Reports of Combative Behavior by Residents With Dementia: Results from a Detailed Prospective Incident Diary. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA). 2012;13(3):220-227. Comment: This article was also the subject of an editorial in the same issue of the Journal.
Kosteniuk J, Morgan D, D'Arcy C. Diagnoses of anxiety and depression in clinical-scenario patients Survey of Saskatchewan family physicians. Canadian Family Physician. 2012 ;58(3):e144-e151.
Kou C, Meng X, Xie B, Chen Y, Yu Q, Shi J, Yu Y, D'Arcy C, Huang Y. The prevalence and correlates of neurotic disorders among undergraduates at a mainland Chinese university. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2012. [Epub ahead of print DOI 10.1007/s00127-012-05. April 11, 2012]
Meng X, D'Arcy C, Morgan D, Mousseau D. Predicting the Risk of Dementia Among Canadian Seniors: A Useable Practice-friendly Diagnostic Algorithm.Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 2012. [Epub ahead of print doi: 10.1097/WAD.0b013e31. Feb 6, 2012]
Kou C, Meng X, Xie B, Shi J, Yu Q, Yu Y, D'Arcy C. No association between catechol-O-methyltransferase polymorphisms and neurotic disorders among mainland Chinese university students. Psychiatry Research; [Epub ahead of print 2012;doi:10.1016/j.psychres.20. Mar 6, 2012]
Meng X, D'Arcy C. Education and dementia in the context of the cognitive reserve hypothesis: A systematic review with meta-analyses and qualitative analyses. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(6):e38268.
Meng X, D'Arcy C, Tempier R, Kou C, Morgan D, Mousseau DD. Survival of Patients with incident dementia who had a pre-existing psychiatric disorder: A population based 7-year follow-up study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2012;27:683-691.
Patten SB, Williams JVA, Lavorato DH, Bulloch AGM, D'Arcy C, Streiner DL. Recall of recent and more remote depressive episodes in a prospective cohort study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2012;47(5):691-696.
ME Andrews, NJ Stewart, DG Morgan, C D’Arcy. In Press 2011. More Alike Than Different: A Comparison of Male and Female RNs in Rural and Remote Canada. Journal of Nursing Management; 2012;20(4):561-70.
NJ Stewart, C D’Arcy, J Kosteniuk, DG Morgan, D Forbes, M MacLeod, J Kulig., J., & R Pitblado. Moving on? Predictors of intent to leave among rural and remote RNs in Canada. The Journal of Rural Health. 2011;27: 103-113.
DG Morgan, M Crossley, A Kirk, L McBain, NJ Stewart, CD’Arcy, DForbes, S Harder, V Dal Bello-Haas, J Basran. Evaluation of telehealth for pre-clinic assessment and follow-up in an interprofessional rural and remote memory clinic. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 2010;30:304-331.
PA Hall, M Crossley and C D’Arcy. Executive Function and Survival in the Context of Chronic Illness. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2010;39 (2);119-127.
P Hall, J Dubin, M Crossley, M Holmqvist, C D’Arcy. Does executive function explain the IQ-mortality association? Evidence from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CHSA). Psychosomatic Medicine,2009;71:196-204.
D Morgan, M Crossley, A Kirk, C D’Arcy, N Stewart, J Biem, D Forbes, S Harder, J Basran, V Dal Bello-Haas, and L McBain. Improving Access to Dementia Care: Development and Evaluation of a Rural and Remote Memory Clinic. Aging and Mental Health.2009;13(1):17-30.