Dr. Philip Griebel
Emeritus Professor
Research Areas
- Developmental immunology
- Comparative immunology
- Mucosal immunology
- Innate immunity
- Vaccine delivery
Current Research
- Identify key genes regulating innate mucosal immune responses
- Analyze the interaction between Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis and the mucosal immune system.
- Investigate the role of neutrophils in antigen presentation and dendritic cell maturation
- Develop a vaccine to prevent TSE disease
- Identify biomarkers of stress responses and mechanisms by which stress alters immune responses
Current Courses
- PUBH 806.3, Public Health Biology
- VACC 801.3, Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics
- VACC 802.3 Mucosal Immunology
- VTINT 580.3, Strategic Vaccination
- VTMC 832.3, Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Recent Grants and Awards
As Principal Investigator:
Griebel, P. (PI) (2019-2024). NSERC - Microbiome and early development of the mucosal immune system. $200,000.
Griebel, P. (PI) (2019-2021). Merck Animal Health (MAH) - Vaccine interference by an intranasal modified-live bovine coronavirus vaccine. $98,088.
Griebel, P. (PI) (2018-2021). ADF – Development of Pink-eye Vaccine. $210,000.
Griebel, P. (PI) (2018-2020). MAH - Comparative efficacy of two intranasal modified-live viral vaccines. $156,000.
As Co-Investigator:
Guan, L. (PI) & Waters, S., Kenny, D., Griebel, P. (2019-2021). Alberta Government - Revealing true food animal microbiome through next generation sequencing: overcoming the effects of sequencing artifacts 2019F128R. $135,088.
van Drunen Littel-van den Hurk, S. (PI) & Napper, S., Griebel, P. (2018-2021). ADF - Enhanced management of bovine respiratory disease through improved vaccines and vaccination programs. $300,000.
Potter, A. (PI) & Gerdts, V., Napper, S., Griebel, P., Townsend, H. (2015 - 2019). Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition, Genome Prairie - Reverse Vaccinology Approach for the Prevention of Mycobacterial Disease in Cattle. $1,097,710.
Recent Publications
George R, Ma A, Motyka B, Yuenian ES, Liu Q, Griebel P. (2019). A Dendritic Cell-Targeted Chimeric Hepatitis B Virus Immunotherapeutic Vaccine Induces Both Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses in vivo. Hum Vaccine Immunother. 2019, Doi: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1689081
Hill K, Arsic N, Sibbel R, Nordstrom S, Griebel PJ. (2019). Immune Memory Induced by Intranasal Vaccination with a Modified-Live Viral Vaccine Delivered to Colostrum Fed Neonatal Calves. Vaccine 37:7455-7462.
Malmuthuge N, Guanxiang L, Griebel PJ, Guan, LL. (2019). Assessment of gut microbiome and host transcriptome in neonatal calves reveals a framework for understanding early life gut health. Appl Environ Microbiol AEM.02534-18. doi: 10.1128/AEM.02534-18.
Jimbo S, Griebel PJ, Lai K, Babiuk LA, Mutwiri G. (2019). Natural and inducible Bregs are widely distributed in ovine lymphoid tissues. Vet Immunol Immunopath 211; 44-48.
Malmuthuge N, Griebel PJ. (2019) A novel animal model for regional microbial dysbiosis of the pioneer microbial community. Frontiers Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01706
Dadarwal D, Gonzalez-Cano P, Dickinson R, Griebel P, Palmer C. (2019). Characterization of endometrial cytokine gene expression in normal versus endometritic postpartum dairy cows. Theriogenology 126, 128-139
Osman R, Malmuthuge N, Gonzalez-Cano P, Griebel PJ. (2018). Development and Function of the Mucosal Immune System in the Upper Respiratory Tract of Neonatal Calves. Annual Review of Animal Bioscience 6: 141-55.
Priyadarshini S, Pradhan B, Griebel P, Aich P. (2018) Cortisol regulates immune and metabolic processes in murine adipocytes and macrophages through HTR2a and HTR5c serotonin receptors, Eur J Cell Biol 97(7); 483-92
Malmuthuge N, Griebel PJ. (2018). Fetal environment and fetal intestine are sterile during the third trimester of pregnancy. Vet Immunol Immunopath 204: 59-64.
Wood ME, Griebel P, Huizenga M, Lockwood S, Hansen C, Potter A, Cashman N, Mapletoft JW, Napper S. (2018). Accelerated onset of chronic wasting disease in Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus canadensis) vaccinated with a PrPSc-specific vaccine and housed in a prion contaminated environment. Vaccine 36(50), 7737-7743