School of Public Health

Research Areas

  • Statistical methods associated with Monte Carlo data
  • Computational biomodelling of the structure/function of biopolymers
  • Quantitative Public Health:  applying analytical epidemiology and biostatistical methods to the areas of:
    • health economics;
    • access to health care;
    • nutritional epidemiology;
    • healthy aging; mental health;
    • infant, child, & maternal health;
    • vaccinations;
    • and the epidemiology of substance use in Canada.

Current Research

  • Determining the Type II topoisomerase-DNA interaction mechanism via studies of lattice models
  • Determining the product distribution for a recombinase-DNA interaction mechanism via studies of lattice models

Current Courses

  • PUBH 805.3: Biostatistics for Public Health
  • PUBH 811.3: Biostatistics for Public Health II
  • PUBH 842.3: Current Biostatistical Methods and Computer Applications

Recent Grants and Awards

As Principal Investigator:

M. Szafron. Timelines and predictors of prostate cancer in Saskatchewan: a comprehensive epidemiological review: $22,000. Motorcycle Ride for Dad. May 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020.

M. Szafron. School of Public Health Retrospective Funding. Amount: $45,000. 2015 - 2019

M. Szafron. UofS New Faculty Start-up Funds. Amounts: $10,000 (equipment funds); $5,000 (operating funds); $16,000 (CGPS New Faculty Award, Sep 2017-Aug 2018).

M. Szafron (Fund Manager). Health Canada. Amount: $7,500. Aug - Dec 2018.

As Co-Investigator:

Kelly, L. (PI), Alcorn, M.J., Burnham, W., Huntsman, R., Jacobs-LeVan, J., Lacaze-Masmonteil, T., Mansell, H., McAndrews, M., Reid, A., Andrade, D., Appendino, J., Balshaw, R., Ben-Eltriki, M., Bobbitt, S., Carlen, P., Carter, A., Chhabra, M., Dennv, A., Fantaneanu, T., Fleury, C., Kim, R., Leung, E., Lewis, E., Penz, E., Pohl, D., Szafron, M., Tai, P.. (2023). A triple-blind, placebo controlled, randomized clinical trial of CANnabinoids for Drug Resistant Epilepsy (CAN-DRE) in adults and children. Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant. $749,700.

Kontulainen, S. (co-PI), Nour, M. (co-Pi), Ward, L., Robinson, M., Gabel, L., Ho, J., Lam, C., Wong, A., Inman, M., Yau, D., Wiebe, S., Johnston, J.D., Szafron, M., Unniappan, S., Boyd, S., Walker, R., Doria, A., Mahmud, F., Sorbara, J., Vali, R., Zuijdwijk, C.. Canadian Bone Strength Development in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Study (CanBSDS). Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR).
$1,352,140. (2023-2028)

Sattar, S. (PI), Alibhai, S., Campbell, D., Haase, K., Rediger, C., Compton, R., Souied, O., Szafron, M..
Feasibility of virtual exercise programs for men with prostate cancer: The TARGET study.
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF). $9,780. (Jan 2023 - Jan 2024).

Neary, J. P. (PI), Saad, F., Alcorn, J., Laprairie, R.B., Dehghani, P., Bjornson, B.H., Hadjistavropoulos, T., Dorsch, K.D., Mang, C.S., Bardutz, H.A., Bhagaloo, L., Walsh, Z., Ainslie, P.N., Szafron, M., Singh, J., Thompson, E.S. Naturally Produced Cannabinoids for Pain Management and Neuroprotection from Concussion and Participation in Contact Sports. National Football League (NFL). $537,030 USD. (2021-2024).

Pavloff, M. (PI), Laventure, S., Lustig, J., Pavloff, G., Farthing, P., Duff, E., Disiewich, K., Labrecque, M.E.,
Beck, C., Szafron, M., Schmalenberg, T., Cooley, M., Wasko, K., Weinheimer, A., McDonald, S., Heuchert, B. SHRF & SCPOR (Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research) matching funding for Saskatchewan Farmer and Rancher Mental Health (FARMh) Initiative. $180,000. 2020-2022.

Laprairie, R. (PI), Alcorn, J., Huntsman, R., Lyon, A., Mousseau, D., Seifert, B., Szafron, M. Second Annual Saskatchewan Cannabinoid Research Symposium. SHRF Research Connections Event Grant: $9,400, August 15-16, 2019.

Liu, J. (PI), Feng, C., Khan, S., Osgood, N., Szafron, M., Zhao, Y. CANSSI Health Science Collaborating Centre Establishment Grant: $10,000, 2018-2021.

Graham, H. (co-PI), Swidrovich, J. (co-PI), Berry, L., Bowen, A., Maslin, C., Szafron, M. Gathering for miyo mahcihowin (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing). SHRF Research Connections Event Grant: $10,000, March 15-16, 2018.

Kontulainen, S. (PI), Nour, M. (PI), Bart, A., Baxter-Jones, A., Cooper, D., Johnston, J., Lanovaz, J., Muhajarine, N., Szafron, M., Vatanparast, H., Wark, J., Wiebe, S. Saskatchewan Bone Strength Development Study (BSDS), Bridge Funding for the September 2016 CIHR Project Grant: $100,000, 2017-2018.


Recent Publications

M. Shafiee, S. Al-Bazz, M. Szafron, G. Lane, H. Vatanparast. (2024). "I Haven't Had Moose Meat in a Long Time": Exploring Urban Indigenous Perspectives on Traditional Foods in Saskatchewan.
Nutrients. 2024; 16(15):2432.

M. Shafiee, S. Al-Bazz, G. Lane, M. Szafron, H. Vatanparast. (2024). Exploring Healthy Eating Perceptions, Barriers, and Facilitators among Urban Indigenous Peoples in Saskatchewan.
Nutrients. 16(13):2006.

J.P. Neary, J. Singh, J. Alcorn, R. Laprairie, P. Denghani, C. Mang, B. Bjornson, T. Hadjistavropoulos,
H. Bardutz, L. Bhagaloo, Z. Walsh, M. Szafron, K. Dorsch, E. Thompson. (2024). Pharmacological and physiological effects of cannabidiol: a dose escalation, placebo washout study protocol.
BMC Neurology. 24:340.

Z. Longworth, R. Mohammadkhani, M. Szafron, G. Lane, H. Vatanparast. (2024). Trends in Plant-Based Diets and the Associated Health Characteristics among Canadians. Nutrients. 16(16):2628.

C. Thompson, T. Million, D. Tchir, A. Bowen. M. Szafron. (2024). Factors of success, barriers, and the role of frontline workers in Indigenous maternal-child health programs: a scoping review.
International Journal for Equity in Health. 23(1): 28.

M. Pavloff, J. McCutcheon, C. Beck, S. Laventure, P. Farthing, E. Duff, K. Wasko, M. Szafron,
K. Dislewich, F. Entz, B. Heuchert, A. Weinheimer, M.E. Labrecque, C. Labrecque, K. Little, J. Lustig
(2024). Cultivating perceptions of farm culture: Perspectives from the Canadian prairies.
Journal of Rural Mental Health. 48(2):120-131.

M. Shafice, G. Lane, M. Szafron, K. Hillier, P. Pahwa, H. Vatanparast. (2023). Exploring the implications of COVID-19 on food security and coping strategies among urban indigenous peoples in Saskatchewan, Canada. Nutrients. 15(19):4278.

A. Bayat, H. Mansell, J. Taylor, M. Szafron, K. Mansell. (2023). The development of a Cannabis Knowledge Assessment Tool (CKAT). PLoS one. 18(9).

R. Huntsman*, J. Elliott, E. Lewis, C. Moore-Hepburn, J. Alcorn, H. Mansell, J.P. Appendino, R.E.
Belanger, S. Corley, B. Crooks, A.M. Denny, Y. Finkelstein, A. Finley, R. Fung, A. Gilpin, C. Litalien,
J. Jacobs, T.F. Oberlander, A. Palm, J. Palm, M. Polewicz, D. Quinn, S.R. Rassekh, A. Repetski, M.J. Rieder, A. Robson-McKay, B. Seifert, A. Shackelford, H. Siden, M. Szafron, G. Jong, R.
Vallancourt, L.E. Kelly (2023). Removing barriers to accessing medical cannabis for paediatric patients. Paediatrics and Child Health. March 2023.

J. Longworth*, M. Szafron, A. Gruza, K. Da Silva. (2023). Cannabis and cannabinoid medications for the treatment of chronic orofacial pain: A scoping review. Dentistry Review. March 2023. 3(1): 15 pages.

S. Sattar*, K. R. Haase, S. M.H. Alibhai, K. Penz, M. Szafron, S. Harenberg, E. Amir, S. Kuster,
E. Pitters, D. Campbell, M. L. McNeely. (2022). Feasibility and efficacy of a remotely delivered fall prevention exercise program for community-dwelling older adults with cancer: Protocol for the
STABLE trial. Journal of Geriatric Oncology. 13(8): 1273-1280.

M. Shafice, P. Keshavarz, G. Lane, P. Pahwa, M. Szafron, D. Jennings, H. Vatanparast.* (2022).
Food Security Status of Indigenous Peoples in Canada According to the 4 Pillars of Food Security:
A Scoping Review. Advances in Nutrition. 13(6): November 2022: 2537-2558.

C. Ochieng, S. Anand, G. Mutwiri, M. Szafron, and K. Alphonsus*. (2021). Factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among visible minority groups from a global context: a scoping review. Vaccines. 9(12): 1445.

R. Huntsman*, L. Kelly, J. Alcorn, J.P. Appendix, R. Belanger, B. Crooks, Y. Finkelstein, A. Gilpin,
E. Lewis, C. Litalien, J. Jacobs, C. Moore-Hepburn, T. Oberlander, S.R. Rassekh, A. Repetski,
M. Rieder, A. Shackelford, H. Siden, M. Szafron, G. Jong, R. Vaillancourt. (2021). Improving the regulation of medical cannabis in Canada to better serve pediatric patients. Canadian
Medical Association Journal. 193(41): E1596-E1599.

M.E.J. Walker*, M.L. Szafron, and J.M. Anonson. (2021). An International Spatial Analysis of Welfare Spending's Influence on Measles. Global Journal of Health Science. 13(10): 9-18.
H. Mansell*, D. Quinn, L. Kelly, M. Szafron, and J. Alcorn. (2021). Pharmacokinetics and perceptions of children and young adults using Cannabis for ADHD and ODD: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 10(10): e31281.

P. Goundar, T. Macaulay, M. Szafron*. (2021). A comparative analysis of laws on recreational cannabis edibles between Canada and the United States of America. International Journal of Drug Policy. 94: 103191.

M.E. Walker*, D. Tchir, M. Szafron, and J. Anonson. (2021). The influence of welfare spending on
national immunization outcomes: A scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 49(6):628-638.

S.L. Finch, A.M. Rosenberg*, A.J. Kusalik, F. Maleki, E. Rezaei, A. Baxter-Jones, S. Benseler, G. Boire,
D. Cabral, S. Campillo, G. Chdeville, A.L. Chetaille, P. Dancey, C. Duffy, K.W. Duffy, J. Guzman,
K. Houghton, A.M. Huber, R. Jurencak, B. Lang, R.M. Laxer, K. Morishita, K.G. Oen, R.E. Petty, S.E. Ramsey, J. Roth, R. Schneider, R. Scuccimarri, E. Stringer, S.M.L. Tse, L.B. Tucker, S.E. Turvey,
M. Szafron, S. Whiting, R.S. Yeung, H. Vatanparast: BBOP Study Group. (2021). Higher concentrations of vitamin D in Canadian children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis compared to healthy controls are associated with more frequent use of vitamin D supplements and season of birth. Nutrition Research.

M. Andkhoie, M. Szafron*. (2021). Geographic disparities in Saskatchewan prostate cancer incidence and its association with physician density: analysis using Bayesian models. BMC Cancer. 21(1):948.

M. Andkhoie, M. Szafron*. (2020). Geographic factors associated with time-to-treatment outcomes for radiation therapy among localized prostate cancer patients in Saskatchewan.
Journal of Cancer Policy. 26: 100259.
M. Andkhoie, M. Szafron*. (2020). The impact of geographic location on Saskatchewan prostate cancer patient treatment choices: a multilevel and spatial analysis. Journal of Rural Health. 36: 564-576.

D. Tchir, M. Farag, M. Szafron*. (2020). Prostate specific antigen (PSA) screening rates and factors associated with screening in Eastern Canadian men: Findings from cross-sectional survey data. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 14(7):E319-E327.

D. Tchir, M. Szafron*. (2020).Occupational Health Needs and Predicted Well-Being in Office Workers Undergoing Web-Based Health Promotion Training: Cross-Sectional Study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research. 22(4): 1-10.

M. Andkhoie, D. Meyers, M. Szafron. (2019). Factors underlying treatment decision-making for
localized prostate cancer in the U.S. and Canada: A scoping review using principal component analysis.
Canadian Urology Association Journal. 13(7):E220-5.

S. McClean, K. Baerg, J. Smith-Fehr, M. Szafron. (2018). Cost savings with transcutaneous screening versus total serum bilirubin for newborn jaundice in a hospital and community settings: a cost minimization analysis. Canadian Medical Association Journal Open. 6(3):E285-E291.

R. Bethune, N. Absher, M. Obiagwu, T. Qarmout, M. Steeves, M. Yagyoubi, R. Tikoo, M. Szafron, C. Dell, M. Farag. (2018). Social determinants of self-reported health for Canada’s Indigenous peoples: a public health approach. Public Health. DOI:

E. Z. Movassagh, A. D. G. Baxter-Jones, S. Kontulainen, S. Whiting, M. Szafron, H. Vatanparast. (2018). Vegetarian-style dietary pattern during adolescence has long-term positive impact on bone from adolescence to young adulthood: a longitudinal study. Nutrition Journal. 17:36.

H. Vatanparast, S. Whiting, A. Hossain, N. Mirhosseini, A. T. Merchant, M. Szafron. (2017). National pattern of grain products consumption among Canadians in association with body weight status. BMC Nutrition. 3:59.

B. McDonald, M. Kulkarni, M. Andkhoie, J. Kendall, S. Gall, S. Chelladurai, M. Yaghoubi, S. McClean, M. Szafron, M. Farag. (2017). Determinants of self-reported mental health and utilization of mental health services in Canada. International Journal of Mental Health. 46(4):299-311.

S. Bajaj, S. Ramayanam, S. Enebeli, H. Nsohtabien, M. Andkhoie, M. Yaghoubi, S. Gall, M. Szafron, M. Farag. (2017). Risk Factors For Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Canada and Provincial Variations. Social Medicine. 11(2): 62-69.

W.I.A. Bonner, M. Andkhoie, C. Thompson, M. Farag, M. Szafron. (2017). Patterns and factors of problematic marijuana use in the Canadian population: Evidence from three cross-sectional surveys. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 108(2): 110-116.

W.I.A. Bonner, R. Weiler, R. Orisatoki, X. Liu, M. Andkhoie, D. Ramsay, M. Yaghoubi, M. Steeves, M. Szafron, M. Farag. (2017). Determinants of self-perceived health for Canadians aged 40 and older and policy implications. International Journal for Equity in Health. 16:94 (9pp).

E. Raffery, W.I.A. Bonner, J. Code, K. McBride, M. Andkhoie, R. Tikoo, S. McClean, C. Dell, M. Szafron, M. Farag. (2017). Factors influencing risky single occasion drinking in Canada and policy implications. Archives of Public Health. 75:22 (11pp).