Areas of Specialization:
- Reproductive Justice and Health
- Community-engaged research
- Qualitative Methods
- Anti-colonial and intersectional approaches
- Human-animal relations and health (One Health)
BA(Hons) & BHS (U of Regina) MA (U of Regina), PhD (University of British Columbia)
Holly McKenzie’s (PhD) community-engaged research program focuses on reproductive justice and health. Holly is a white-settler who works in partnership with Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities to promote policy, service and community change for enhanced health and wellness. Prior to her appointment, Holly held a CIHR Health System Impact postdoctoral fellowship for the project “Sanctum 1.5’s Hope through Strength: A Novel, Women-Directed and Community-Based Approach to Wholistic Care for Mother-Infant Pairs Experiencing a Substance Use Disorder and/or HIV” with Sanctum Care Group and the College of Medicine. Prior to this fellowship, Holly held a SSHRC Banting Fellowship for the project “Fostering PAWSitive wellbeing and support: A qualitative study with therapy dog-handler teams and service providers” with the Department of Sociology.
Holly has multiple peer-reviewed publications focused on reproductive coercion, the child welfare system, reproductive justice frameworks, and community-engaged research methods. In addition to peer-reviewed publications, Holly shares her research through various strategies, including blogs, fact sheets, videos, and community presentations. When she is not engaging in research-advocacy, Holly is often found participating in dog sports with Kal and Opal or camping. For more information about Holly’s research program visit:
Current Grants
- Reproductive Justice in Public Health Graduate Certificate Development (Gwenna Moss Teaching and Learning), Principal Investigator (Co-Principal Investigator Sara Dzaman)
- What is the Wholistic Value Produced Through Investing in Sanctum 1.5, the first HIV Prenatal Care Home in Canada? (Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation), Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator Erika Penz)
- Determining the Comprehensive Gender-Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Care Needs of Indigenous Peoples in Ontario: A Desire-Based, Indigenous-Led Collaborative Assessment of Needs (Canadian Institutes of Health Research), Collaborator (Principal Investigator Karen Lawford)
Selected Publications
McKenzie, H. A., Varcoe, C. Nason, D., McKenna, B., Lawford, K., Kelm, M.E., Wajuntah, C.O., Gervais, L., Hoskins, J., Anaquod, J., Murdock, J., Murdock, R., Smith, K., Arkles, J., Acoose, S. & Arisman, K.* (2022) Indigenous women’s resistance of colonial policies, practices and reproductive coercion. Qualitative Health Research 32 (7): 1031-1054
McKenzie, H. A. (2022). Reproductive politics: Reproductive choice to Reproductive Justice. In M. Morrow, O. Hankivsky, & C. Varcoe (Ed.) Women's Health in Canada: Challenges of Intersectionality (2nd Edition), pp. 148-161. University of Toronto Press.
Varcoe, C. & McKenzie, H. A. (2022) Decolonizing research. In M. Morrow, O. Hankivsky, & C. Varcoe (Ed.) Women's Health in Canada: Challenges of Intersectionality (2nd Edition), pp. 165-185. University of Toronto Press.
McKenzie, H. A., Varcoe, C., Browne, A. J. Ford-Gilboe, M., Dion-Stout, M., Price, R., Day, L. & Inyallie, J. (2018) Context matters: Promoting inclusion with Indigenous women. In F. Klodawsky, J. Siltanen, and C. Andrew (Eds.) Seeking Equity and Inclusion: Canadian Urban Encounters. (pp. 83-110). McGill-Queen’s University Press.
McKenzie, H. A., Varcoe, C., Browne, A. J., Day, L. Disrupting the continuities among residential schools, the Sixties Scoop, and child welfare today: An analysis of colonial and neocolonial discourses. (2016) The International Indigenous Policy Journal 7 (2): 1-24.
McKenzie, H., Dell, C.A., Fornssler, B. (2016) Understanding addictions among Indigenous people through Social Determinants of Health Frameworks and strength-based approaches: A review of the research literature from 2013 to 2016. Current Addiction Reports 3 (4): 378-386
Fornssler, B., McKenzie, H. A., Dell, C. A., Laliberte, L., Hopkins, C. (2014) ‘I got to know them in a new way’:Rela(y/t)ing rhizomes and community-based knowledge (brokers’) transformation of Western and Indigenous knowledge. Cultural Studies and Critical Methodologies 14 (2): 179-193.